moon tang - 外星人接我回去
《外星人接我回去》 採用了真一鏡的拍攝手法,隨著moon在天橋上的低喃,我們漸漸地、靜靜地一起逃離了塵囂,進入寧靜的宇宙之中歇息。
計程車啟動,moon 作為乘客,目光穿梭於城市的百態故事。或許這座城市裡也有像她一樣的人,渴望並期待著,在天未亮時能緊緊擁抱彼此。
Done in real one-take, we follow moon as she bids farewell to a place she once called home. From the back of a taxi, she longingly observes moments of intimacy happening outside her window - two teens running home in the rain, without a care in the world, a woman sitting on the back of a moped, singing for moon.
The one-take technique carries an element of serendipity - from the thunderous roar of the train in the opening, the lights from the residential buildings in the dimming blue hour, to the gentle breeze brushing against her face as the window rolls down. Just like our lives, it is filled with a touch of uncertainty and perfectly timed moments, creating a unique universe that belongs to each of us.

項目管理及藝人經理 Artist Manager| Nicholas Cheung, Malik Zain Ali
製片 Producers | 張嘉敏 Jasmine Cheung, 黃詩婷 Amita Huang
導演 Director | 郭儀凡 Anna Kuo
副導演 Assistant Director | 王宇彤 Tung Wang
攝影 Director of Photography | 李儒杰 Roger JC Lee
跟焦師 1st AC | 蔡東勲 Dong-xun Cai
攝影助理 2nd AC | 王嘉元 WANG chia yuan
執行製片 Line Producer | 林士翔 Sid Lin
製片組 Production Assistants | 許瑋婷 Hsu Wei Ting, 林咏諭 KEE
美術 Production Designer | 陳俞君 Dory Chen
美術組 Art Assistant | 廖名翊 Chase
妝髮師 Makeup Artist | 任敏嫻 Daphne Jen
妝髮助理 Makeup Assistant | 周淯 Ziu
造型 Styling sponsored by | CHANEL
聲音設計 Sound Design | 趙人儁 Jen-Chun Chao
調光師 Colorist | 邱程勇 CY Chiu
特效 VFX | 林國寶 Lin Gobao
劇照 Stills Photographer | Zain
標題設計 Title Designer | Hailee Chan
演出 Extras | 林士翔 Sid Lin, 張益翔 Chang Yi-Hsiang, 林孟萱 MengHsuan Lin, 黃詠澤 Eric Huang, 張嘉敏 Jasmine Cheung
司機 Driver | 游禮誠 LI-CHENG You
器材 Equipment Rental | 好趙電影有限公司 CHAO Film Studio ltd.